CP-B Version 2021

Scroll Overview / Example

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Facts & Positive Elements

  • Amount of analyzed elements: the amount of distinct elements that have been analyzed in the project
  • Amount of analyzed layers: the amount of distinct layers that have been analyzed in the project
  • Amount of analyzed materials: the amount of distinct materials that have been analyzed in the project
  • GFA: Gross Floor Area acc. to DIN277
  • Total volume of analyzed materials: the total volume of all evaluated materials [m³]
  • Total mass of analyzed materials: the total mass of all evaluated materials [kg]
  • Positive elements: Aspects of the building that have been implemented to provide an acively positive impact on people and the environment.

Passport Status

  • Description of data basis
  • Detail level
  • Pre-Check: LP2
  • Design-Check: LP3
  • As-Design: LP5
  • As-Built: LP9

Medical Symbol Material Health


Problematic ingredients in products can not only pollute the environment, but are also regularly found in the human body. That's why we strive not only for compliance with legal limits and "less bad" chemistry, but also for ingredients that are positively defined from the outset. Only in this way can we create products and buildings that are beneficial to people and the environment.
This is the only category that is aggregated by piece of distinct material instead of mass. This was decided because the auxiliary materials with low total masses are usually the ones that cause the most health issues. Therefore a mass weighting would not properly represent those materials.
The Material Health rating aims to promote the use of products that consist of completely defined chemicals that do not pose any risks.

Aggregation Method

The Formula to calculate the Material Health score on building level is the following:
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HEA = Material Health Score
q_mat. = weighting of each distinct material
n_mat. = amount of disctinct materials in the building

Information on Material Level

    .1Material Health Rating
Quality Factor (q_mat.)
Green Circle 1
The material is proven to have improved ingredients over industry standard and no ingredients on the C2C Banned List or classified as CMR.
Yellow Circle 2
The material contains demonstrably improved ingredients compared to the industry standard. => Minimum: DGNB ENV1.2 Qualitätsstufe 4.
Orange Circle 3
The material contains ingredients that meet industry standards.
Red Circle 4
The material contains ingredients that have been proven to be problematic and could be banned in the future.
White Circle 5
Not assessable
There is not enough information available for an evaluation.

Herb Material Sourcing


The aim is for all materials to be made from either "renewable sources" i.e. renewable raw materials or secondary raw materials i.e. recycled materials, or to have the highest possible proportion of these.

Aggregation Method

The Formula to calculate the Material Sourcing score on building level is the following:
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SRC = Material Sourcing Score
q_SRC, mat. = quality factor of each distinct material
m_mat. = mass of each distinct material
m_bui. = total mass of the building

Information Categories on Material Level

Quality Factor (q_mat.)
Blue Circle 1
Secondary material
Products made from secondary material. This includes all maintained, reused, refurbished or post-consumer recycled materials.
Green Circle 2
Sustainably renewable material
Products made from renewable material from certified sustainable cultivation. The criteria to classify a product as "sustainably sourced" is taken from the EU-Taxonomy definition.
Black Circle 3
Primary, non-renewable material
New raw material that has never undergone any processing other than manufacturing. This also includes pre-consumer recycled materials. In case the source of the materials is unknown it is assumed to be primary material.

Recycling Symbol Material Reutilization


Resources should be able to serve as raw materials for new, pollutant-free products after their use. In this way, they can continuously circulate in product cycles - instead of "downcycling", the "re- and upcycling" of products should be made possible.

Aggregation Method

The Formula to calculate the Material Reutilization score on building level is the following:
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REC = Material Reutilization Score
q_REC, mat. = quality factor of each distinct material
m_mat. = mass of each distinct material
m_bui. = total mass of the building

Information Categories on Material Level

Quality Factor (q_mat.)
Green Circle 1
Recycling / Upcycling
The material can be recycled without significant loss of quality and can thus replace a primary raw material of at least the same material quality.
Yellow Circle 2
Through recycling, the material experiences a significant loss of material quality.
Orange Circle 3
The material is used as substitute fuel (min. 11 MJ/kg calorific value (§ 6 para. 2 KrW-/AbfG)).
Red Circle 4
The material is disposed of in landfills or incinerated without energy benefit (calorific value < 11 MJ/kg)
White Circle 5
Not assessable
There is not enough information available for an evaluation.

Screwdriver Separability


The aim is that all constructions can be disassembled into their component parts or recycling units. Detachable joining techniques should be used for this purpose. Composite construction materials should be avoided wherever possible in favor of separable assemblies.

Aggregation Method

The Formula to calculate the Material Reutilization score on building level is the following:
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SEP = Separability Score
q_SEP, mat. = weight of each distinct material
m_mat. = mass of each distinct material
m_bui. = total mass of the building

Information categories on material level

Quality Factor (q_mat.)
Green Circle 1
Recyclable compounds -
Easily accessible material that can be separated by type.
Yellow Circle 2
Conditionally recyclable compounds -
The material is basically separable but only with increased effort.
Red Circle 3
Nicht kreislauffähige Verbindungen –
Die Verbindungen sind nicht trennbar oder nur mit erheblichem Aufwand.
White Circle 4
Not assessable
There is not enough information available for an evaluation.

Hammer and Wrench Dismountability


Non-destructive deconstruction should be aimed for at the component level (functional units). The aim is to increase the flexibility of the building through the easy interchangeability and adaptability of individual functional units planned in advance. The added value is higher third-party usability, easier reconstruction and thus a longer overall service life.

Aggregation Method

The Formula to calculate the Material Reutilization score on building level is the following:
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DIS = Dismountability Score
q_DIS, ele. = quality factor of each distinct material
m_ele. = mass of each distinct material
m_bui. = total mass of the building

Information on Material Level

    .1Material Health Rating
Quality Factor (q_mat.)
Green Circle 1
Maximum Dismountability -
The entire element can be removed and reused in its entirety.
Yellow Circle 2
Dismountable -
Functional units are all separable from each other.
Orange Circle 3
Partially dismountable -
Functional units are partially separable from each other.
Red Circle 4
Not dismountable-
Functional units cannot be separated from each other.
White Circle 5
Not assessable
There is not enough information available for an evaluation.

Footprints Carbon Footprint


A reliable climate protection strategy for a building can reduce future risks and thus increase property values. Shown is the carbon footprint of the construction compared to a standard building. This category evaluates the CO2 emissions associated with the building through construction and operation. The goal is a climate-positive building, in which CO2 is bound and stored as well as the consumption of 100% renewable energy, which is optimally self-produced. The carbon footprint is documented by cost group in the Circularity Passport Buildings.

Aggregation Method

The Formula to calculate the carbon footprint score on building level is based on the DGNB-methodology for lifecycle assessments:  DGNB New Buildings Version 2018 . The result of the LCA is set in comparison to the reference value of 9,4kgCO2/m²a which is also provided by the DGNB. A value 9,4 represents a usual building and therefore is set to receive a score of 0% whereas an ideal building would cause no carbon emissions at all (0kg/m²a) and receive a score of 100%. The Carbon Footprint Score is thus calculated as following:

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Information on Material Level

Every Material is connected with the most fitting EPD that is publicly available and that meets the requirements of  DGNB New Buildings Version 2018 . The selection process of EPDs happens according to the following method:  Selection methodology for EPDs